Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Rooneys.........A FARCE

I love hearing about the Lamarr Woodley contract issue, particularly in the context of recent events surrounding the know that great football team owned by the "classy" Rooney family.....they dont tolerate "bad" guys on their team, and they value the character of all of their players right? Yeah, that is why one of the best and classiest players on their team, Lamarr Woodley has not had any dialog with regard to his 550K salary, with the CBA used as the excuse..........funny that other teams have found a way to compensate players they value through signing bonuses, roster bonuses, and easily hit performance incentives. The fact that they have not even had any dialog with a guy like Woodley who by all accounts is as all world off the field as he is on it continues to show the Rooney reputation as simply that......a reputation that somehow us yinzers like to perpetuate.................this guy is EXACTLY what you want to represent your organization, and is a 265 lb game breaker on the outside with young legs and the off the field demeanor you SAY you value...............Yeah right! With guys like Reed, Rapistburger, and Harrison with their legal woes and Wines Hard with his crybaby act every year, it is tough to figure why you would not embrace a player like Woodley....and by the way, TO would add an element to this team offensively that would make it much tougher to defend, but I forgot you steer away from those types of guys.....wonder how much fun the Ravens will have with Flacco looking for TO, Bolden and Stallworth running through our secondary?